Material Handling Equipment

Depositphotos_56281919_s-2015Whether you are building a new facility or revising the original, you need to make certain that your material handling equipment is equally up-to-date and suitable. If you are in the process of designing and constructing a plant or mill, and you find yourself in need of new material handling equipment, here are some things to consider.

Optimum Use of Space: Your instinct may be to figure out what you need and purchase the biggest and best. However, during design you and your engineer will determine how much space is required for each element of production, including storage, production, and material handling. The square footage reserved for material handling will be affected by whether it is open spacing, or consists of shelving and rack systems. All this affects what type of equipment you will be able to use. You should factor in your preferred material handling equipment in the very first stages of design. If your plans do not support the equipment you feel you require, or if you decide you simply must have a specific type, then you and your designer will have to reconsider those schematics.

Material Type: The materials to be handled at your mill will also determine the type of equipment you require. Choosing the optimum equipment for your materials will lead to more efficient production. An experienced mill engineer can help you choose the right equipment and they will usually be able to create the most practical material handling solutions for you to help you avoid bottlenecks.

It is important to put as much effort into selecting the best possible material handling equipment for your facility as you do any other detail. The best equipment improves plant and mill processes through efficiency, and is the safest option for material handlers. At BEP Engineering Services, we can help you select the right equipment during mill design. Because we do not sell the equipment, we are unbiased and able to get you sharp-pencil-pricing from vendors. Contact us to discover what we may do for you in design and modification of your plant, mill, or other facility.

A Brief Look at Material Handling Certification

Industries require competent material handling by certified professionals who can safely move, store, and dispose of materials during industrial processes. Material handling calls for the utilization of various complex systems and equipment, and certification helps make certain that personnel can operate all details of handling effectively.

Material handling is more than operating machinery; an effective material handling arrangement affects an industry’s processes, including manufacturing, transportation, distribution, service, and much more. The range of equipment and technology required in handling must be understood and managed properly. There is a variety of automated and manual equipment required for material control, movement, storage, etc.; industrial robotics, automated systems, conveyors, lift trucks, and more are all parts of handling for different industries.Engineers meeting

The methods for handling in industries and facilities are as standardized as possible to prevent daily processes from being impeded. When an industrial business requires certified professionals as part of their project design, BEP Engineering Services Ltd. aids in constructing an appropriately certified team by providing the professionals who handle the facets of certification.

Material handlers must understand and adhere to certain practices, which help guarantee that all equipment and procedures in the facility function properly and safely. The certification process instructs potential handlers in the equipment, systems, and guidelines for safe and effective operations. Academic institutions and professional organizations offer a variety of certificates and certifications, in the various categories and features of material handling. Rather than focusing on an expensive, all-inclusive educational degree, these programs allow the company’s employees to pursue their area of specialized technical interest and put their education to use immediately in the industry.

BEP Engineering Services, Ltd. offers assistance with a company’s engineering certification needs. We provide services for a selection of certifications, including, but not limited to, mechanical, civil and structural, and geotechnical engineering. Whatever your industrial design project, we can help you get your employees certified to create a knowledgeable, professional team.