BEP Engineering is the leader in the field for prefab steel buildings that are suitable for a variety of purposes, from sawmill construction to warehousing storage facilities. We have already satisfied hundreds of clients… from small companies to blue chip clients with this practical solution. Our buildings are easy to assemble with large, roomy interiors suitable for hundreds of different purposes. For sawmill construction they are ideal, considering that they can be easily moved to new locations as desired. This enables you to have the advantage of keeping your prefab steel structure close to your working site for cost-effectiveness. You will be amazed that such extensive structures can be so easily moved, and all that is required for their erection in a new location, is a solid parcel of suitable land.
Sawmill construction buildings are necessary for the processing of logs and storage of finished products readied for transportation. You can talk to us about having your sawmill construction building erected close to railroads, or alternative transport facilities for distribution. Paper mills will also benefit from prefab engineered steel buildings which are sound and durable enough to be utilized for long term manufacturing purposes. The steel sawmill construction buildings can be erected with demarcated add-on structures like offices and ablution facilities. Whatever your needs are you can rest assured that BEP Engineering will provide practical solutions that meet all building regulations.
Considering that we have already been involved in providing prefab buildings and a variety of complementing products for over twenty-four years, you know that we can be trusted to provide sawmill construction buildings for your company that will be a fabulous investment in cutting costs for storage, manufacturing and warehousing for your wood products. The space allows you to set up a complete processing facility at half the price of a conventional building. Steel structures have been designed to be as energy efficient as possible. Cladding and roofing that is transparent makes maximum use of natural light, and interiors have been designed to save on heating and cooling costs.
BEP specializes in sawmill construction and will help you implement a facility, or make pertinent suggestions to upgrade your current plant. Many pulp and paper manufacturing and processing plants, hardboard, plywood manufacturers and re-manufacturers of wood products have all benefited from the prefab steel buildings we can erect on site for your maximum efficiency. Your building design and is handled by staff with years of expertise in this niche, and this includes advice for manufacturing flow and equipment layouts to make sawmill construction as cost-effective as possible.
Steel prefab buildings are now the preferred choice rather that using wood structures which is time-consuming to assemble, maintain and also a lot more expensive. Special quality treated steel and roofing is used that can withstand the elements which is another advantage for sawmill and chemical plant building constructions we offer. Our website has been designed for your convenience and we look forward to your inquiry to provide you with the best possible practical solutions.